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Understanding employee pay and entitlements

Learn about where pay and entitlements in the Fair Work system come from, how they interact, and the role of the two Fair Work agencies.


Understanding enterprise agreements

Learn about what an enterprise agreement is, how they are made, and the role of the Fair Work Commission in approving agreements.


Understanding bargaining

Learn about what enterprise bargaining is, and key stages in good bargaining processes. 


Preparing for an unfair dismissal conciliation

Learn about unfair dismissal conciliation, how to prepare, and hear from our conciliators about what is involved. 


Workplace sexual harassment

Learn what workplace sexual harassment is, how it impacts those that experience and witness it, and what resources and supports are available.


The interest-based bargaining process

How does interest-based bargaining work in practice and what does it take to succeed? This is module 2 in our two-part series on interest-based bargaining.